The following cards are restricted to one copy per deck for tournament or competitive play:
Scarlet Cord #106
Scarlet Cord #106
the following cards have seen an errata which must be applied for use in tournament or competitive play:
Cross Trainers:
1) 1st edition Troobloo - #11
1) 1st edition Troobloo - #11

Troobloo from the 1st edition may still be used, provided it follows the UNIQUE ability rule of "SWAP" as shown above in the 2nd edition printing.
2) 1st edition Stagnetic - #13

Stagnetic from the 1st edition may still be used provided it follows the UNIQUE ability rule of "Preserve Faith" as found in the 2nd edition.
3) Ellie #134
3) Ellie #134
If Ellie is to be used during competitive or tournament play, in which the victory condition is 77 Virtue Points- The card ability must be played as followed:
"Victory Condition: Win by scoring 70 Virtue Points." For casual game play, where the victory condition is 60 Virtue Points, the card may be used as originally printed. |
1) Flo Ultra - #46
1) Flo Ultra - #46
1) Hoofit - #7
1) Hoofit - #7
There are currently no banned cards for tournament or competitive play.